Tuesday, May 27, 2008
World War II
One myth that is usually presented by people is that, minority groups were very well treated in United States during World War II and there was no ethnical or racial problem in United States. This is not true. According to Adams, around 300,000 Mexican-Americans fought for America in World War II but neither government of United States nor American society gave them their due right. They were mistreated and humiliated in the society. White members of GI attacked and mugged Mexican-Americans due to their odd and unusual clothing. These riots were called “zoot suit” riots. “Here’s a guy riding a streetcar and he gets beat up ‘cause he happens to be a Mexican”. Japanese-Americans were also mistreated in United States. Government took away their civil rights and thousands of Japanese were sent to internment camps.
It has been portrayed in media and books that United States played a heroic role in World War II but Adams discloses that United States committed more violence and massacre in this war than any other country. United Sates soldiers used to boil the heads of Japanese and sent these boiled heads “to their families in United States”. Urinating into the mouths of Japanese and killing their wounded prisoners were usual practices. United States soldiers used poor women to fulfill their sexual desire by giving them basic food and household necessities.
On 6th August 1945, Americans dropped an atomic bomb to Hiroshima and one on Nagasaki three days later; after which the Japanese government surrendered. These bombs proved to the final blow for Axis forces and ended the Second World War. These atomic bombs have killed hundreds of thousands of, mostly innocent, people. People who considered World War II as “best war ever” justified the droppings of atomic bombs by saying that it ended the war and saved the lives of thousands of people. But according to Adams, America had no need to drop atomic bombs on Japan, because Japan was fairly disabled by the destruction of their Naval force and industry and the war was near to its end anyway. United States also dropped napalm bombs to different cities of Japan, which have killed “more than half a million people”.
Adam’s book describes that war is blight to our civilization. The horrors of wars, huge toll of human lives, immense loss of property and resources, heinous and inhuman war crimes; and above all the aftermath-miseries, diseases and moral decay can never be justified. Although America’s role in the war portrayed as heroic but in reality United States played as negative role in the war as all the axis forces.
Before discussing the effect of globalization, it seems relevant that two terms described first. The first of these terms is Least Developed Countries (LDCs). Those countries, which are described poor, un-industrialized and whose economy based on the export of commodities fall into this category. United Nations had put 24 countries into the category of LDC in its 1968 conference on Trade and development.
Second term is Globalization. Globalization is the process of expanding global preferences in cultural, environmental, political, social and economical issues. The key economic characteristic of globalization is the free movement of goods throughout the world.
Globalization has affected every country but it particularly affected the LDCs in a negative way. It is the name of economic challenges like collapse of commodities market, debt crisis and structural adjustment policies for LDCs, which ultimately tightened the international poverty trap for them.
Direct Effects
Collapse of commodities market was the outcome of poor economic policies of 1980, which ultimately resulted in debt crisis, as LDCs had tried to expand commodity production and economic growth and had borrowed large sums of money. Banks then insisted on readjustment of interest rates on new and existing loans and LDCs agreed. At that moment, globalization compelled them to decline commodity prices. Commodities were the main source of income for LDCs, so it became more and more difficult for them to reduce or pay their debts, which ultimately caused unemployment in many commodity sectors.
In order to repay their debts, LDC tried to adopt IMF’s Structural Adjustment Program (SAP) to obtain funds from IMF. The strategy behind SAP program was to export more than import and produce hard cash to pay for the imports and direct the surplus towards debts. Although SAP was imposed for the betterment of economic condition of LDCs, but it did not work as it was planned. SAP created de-industrialization in LDCs and compelled them to again rely on export of their commodities. Selling of public assets to foreign investors also created unemployment.
Globalization made traders disappears, which in the past, worked as bridge between buyer and seller. Now big companies with shipping and warehousing facilities can buy commodities directly from the farmer. This need more sophisticated technology and human skills, and companies of developed countries have clear advantage in all these respects.
There is a huge digital gap between developed countries and LDCs. It has been estimated that there are more phones in the New York alone than the whole rural area of Africa and almost 80% of the world population has never made a phone call (World Bank). It has also estimated that there are more Internet Connections in London alone than the whole Africa and only 1% of the Internet users live in Africa, if we exclude South Africa then the number of Internet users is less than 100,000 in whole Africa, which is only .02% of the global Internet content (Africa). This digital gap made it almost impossible for LDCs to compete with developed countries and get their even share in present world trade.
Thus, in the light of above discussion, it can easily be concluded that globalization had slumped the economies and trade of Least Developed countries as they have to face the crises like collapse of commodity markets, increased debts and SAP.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
The Alchemist
This book has many different essences in it. This book is basically a story of shepherd boy who is searching his destiny and during his search he experienced many different things of the world. Alchemist can be the story of anyone, because everyone has his own destiny and he/she seeks for it for their whole life. Some are lucky enough to find it, while others do not; but whatever happens one thing is for sure, that the things that life taught them during their search is something, which has its own meaning and worth and can be very useful for them. This search has given them such intelligence, which they can use it for the rest of their lives.
The name of that old boy is Santiago; he had a dream of finding a treasure in the pyramids of Egypt. A gypsy woman and an old man claiming to be a mysterious king told him to follow his dream. Gypsy woman told him, “To realize one's destiny is a person's only obligation” and that old man said, “when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.”
The boy sells his sheep and starts his journey to Tangiers in Africa, unfortunately all his money is stolen by a thief. He then works in a crystal shop for a year and earns enough money to travel back home. In a desert caravan he meets an Englishman who has lot of knowledge on alchemy, which inspires Santiago to pursue his own dream of finding a treasure. As the Englishman searches for the two hundred year old alchemist who resides in the desert oasis, Santiago falls in love with a young woman, Fatima. After loving the girl Santiago finds the eternal alchemy of love and thinks that he has found his dream. Moreover with the help of alchemist he finds his treasure somewhere he least expected it.
As I have mentioned in the beginning of this document that this story has many quintessence in it, which cannot be mentioned comprehensively in this short review. This book also has issues of social work in it, as a justification I would give an example of all the help Santiago received from every other character of this story, especially from the crystal merchant.
In the conclusion, I would say that it is the story of every person who wants the treasure. Treasure does not mean any hidden or buried treasure but the treasure of secrets and experience of spending a good and successful life. This treasure can only be gathered when we observe our lives more closely and concentrate on our destinies with more intensity.
In the end, I must add that in order to understand this novel completely, it is necessary that the reader should put himself/herself in place of Santiago; this is the best way to understand the moral of the story perfectly.
Salmonella Virginia
This research helps to find out that how Salmonella bacterium affects intestinal track and gut cells and caused almost one billion new infections, all around the world, in a year. It has been noted that this bacteria cause more than 3 million deaths per year.
The process used by a Salmonella bacterium to enter into a host cell is considered to be one of the most intelligent and complex processes. When this bacterium wants to attack a host cell, it attaches with the host cell and use a syringe and needle to inject protein into the host cell. This protein, SipA, forced the proteins to joined together to make a filament, which changes the structure of the host cell.
The most commonly found Salmonella serotype in United States is Salmonella enterica serotype Typhimurium. According to the statistics this serotype caused 29 percent of the total infections caused by salmonella bacterium. Typhimurium is such a type of bacteria, which possesses and shows highest Antimicrobial resistance.The diseases and infection caused by Salmonella may last five to seven days and if the infection spread into the intestine, patients have to used antibiotics for treatment.
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Finding Better Keywords
Keywords play a vital role in Search Engine Optimization. Keywords are the words, which users writes in a search engine to find out their desired result. It is very important for a webmasters or a Search Engine Optimizers to identify correct keywords for their site. Following are steps to find out keywords:
· Identifying Nature of Business
· Identifying Products & Vendors
· Using Tools
· Find Number of Searches and Click for Keywords
· Fetch Functional Keywords
Identifying Nature of Business
The identification of business is the fundametal steps before choosing keywords. It is very important for marketing purpose, one cannot obtain correct keywords without identifying the nature of business. For instance assume a person dealing in used cars but posting keywords like; brand new ford or new dodge. It will not give good popularity to the business and will also create a hectic situation for user, which will eventually give bad publicity to the website.
Identifying Products and Vendors
Identification of products and vendors is also very important because almost majority of the keywords originated from the name of either vendor or products. One has to be very careful while taking keywords from product or vendors because if he/she chooses generic keywords then the probablity of getting targeted traffic is not high. Suppose a person has a website, which sells cell phone and he selects cell as keywords then a user who need a battery and writes cell in search engine can also be re-directed towards his website, which is not a good marketing scenario.
Using Online Tools
To use online tools is also very helpful and popular technique to find out keywords. There are many online tools and softwares available on internet for this purpose. Google Adwords, Inventory.Overture, MSN Adcenter, Word Tracker, etc. There are both free and charged tools available on internet and you can also take their free trial to find out keywords.
Find Searches and Click
This another very important phase while finding keywords. In this phase one can find out number of clicks and impression his/her keywords will get in a month. One of the most important tools to do so is Inventory.Overture, SEO tools kit is another very good software in order to find the impression and clicks on a particular keyword.
Functional Keywords
After obtaining your keywords from your website and online tools, the final phase is to fetch functional or working keywords for your sites. These are the keywords with which you do the marketing of your products and website on different classified, forums, communities and paid channels.
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Brain Cancer
There are two basic types pf brain tumors, one is primary brain tumor, which develop in brain directly and metastatic or secondary brain tumors which is originated in brain from any other cancer affected organ of the body through blood circulation. These tumors are rarely spread in to the other parts of the body, and the death is caused due to extra growth of tumor within the limited space of skull. Primary brain tumors can be cancerous or noncancerous but both of their sub types can cause some serious symptoms like, vision or hearing loss and stroke. All brain tumors are life threatening or in the medical terminology they are called malignant because they posses aggressive nature. A noncancerous primary brain tumor is life threatening when it compromises vital structures like when they acquire an artery.
To create a better understanding for reader I should explain cerebrospinal fluid in rather detailed way. This fluid is present between brain and skull and works as cushion for brain, it can be said that this is the primary thing, which isolate brain function from the entire body.
Brain tumors are the big threat for vital neurological pathways and they could also take compress brain tissues to a rampage. This is not certain that all these symptoms or sign develop together, but in most of the cases it has been observed that these symptoms develop time to time as the growth of tumor increases, it also depends on the location of the tumor. A brain tumor in the frontal lobe may cause the following:
- Behavioral and emotional changes
- Impaired judgment
- Impaired sense of smell
- Memory loss
- Paralysis on one side of the body (hemiplegia)
- Reduced mental capacity (cognitive function)
- Vision loss and inflammation of the optic nerve (papilledema)
Another very complex classification of tumor is the one, which is located both right and left hemisphere of the front lobe, it can seldom cause behavioral changes, cognitive changes, and a clumsy, uncoordinated gait.
A tumor in the parietal lobe may cause the following symptoms:
- Impaired speech
- Inability to write
- Lack of recognition
- Seizures
- Spatial disorders
Tumor located in occipital lobe may cause loss of vision in either both or one eye.
Discussing almost all types of tumors, we should not forget the one, which is develop in temporal lobe. These are quite risky because they normally do not show any of their symptom but sometimes they may cause impaired speech and seizures.
A tumor in the brainstem may produce the following symptoms:
- Behavioral and emotional changes
- Difficulty speaking and swallowing
- Drowsiness
- Headache, especially in the morning
- Hearing loss
- Muscle weakness on one side of the face (e.g., head tilt, crooked smile)
- Muscle weakness on one side of the body Uncoordinated gait
- Vision loss, drooping eyelid or crossed eyes.
- Vomiting
It originates in the lining of the ventricles and the spinal canal and may damage cranial nerves. When this happens, hydrocephalus, stiff neck, head tilt, and weakness may result.
This tumor may cause meninges (meningioma) depend on which area of the brain is being compressed. They include:
- Headache
- Hearing loss
- Impaired speech (i.e., dysphasia)
- Incontinence
- Mental and emotional changes (e.g., indifference, disinhibition)
- Prolonged drowsiness (somnolence)
- Seizures
- Vision loss
A tumor located in the pituitary gland (i.e., pituitary adenoma) may increase the secretion of hormones and cause discontinuation of menstruation (i.e., amenorrhea) and excess secretion of milk (i.e., galactorrhea) in women. Impotence may occur in men.
Metastatic brain cancer
It tends to invade the brain tissue indiscriminately. Some symptoms include the following:
- Bleeding
- Headache
- Impaired mental function
- Motor dysfunction
- Nausea
- Seizures
- Swelling
- Vomiting
Well, it is fact that there is no prevention of any type of brain tumor generally, but still early diagnosis and proper treatment of metastatic tumors may reduce the risk factor of primary brain tumor.
The following factors have been suggested as possible risk factors for primary brain tumors. Avoiding the factors that can be avoided may reduce your risk.
- Radiation to the head
- Certain inherited conditions
- HIV infection
Unfortunately, even after the rapid improvement of medical science we cannot explain or define the main causes, which lead to brain cancer or tumor. Medical can only blame genetic factors, various environmental toxins, radiation, and cigarette smoking have all been linked to cancers of the brain, but they do not have any proper justification of any particular reason, which can cause brain tumor.
The following factors have been proposed as possible risk factors for primary brain tumors. Whether these factors actually increase your risk of a brain tumor is not known for sure.
- Radiation to the head
- Certain inherited conditions
- HIV infection
These are the same reasons as mentioned under the header of prevention, this is due to the fact that medical science is speechless regarding either the prevention or the causes of Brain Tumors.
One should immediately concern his/her health professional if feel any of the following symptoms:
- Unexplained, persistent vomiting
- Double vision or unexplained blurring of vision, especially on only one side
- Lethargy or increased sleepiness
- New seizures
- New pattern or type of headaches
Headaches are known to be felt from the initial phase of Brain Tumor, in the other words it can be called that they are one of the most common symptoms of Brain Tumor. Specially after feeling of a significant change in the pattern of headache one should immediately visit his/her health professional without any delay.
If you have a known brain tumor, any new symptoms or relatively sudden or rapid worsening of symptoms warrants a trip to the nearest hospital emergency department. Be on the lookout for the following new symptoms:
- Seizures
- Changes in mental status, such as excessive sleepiness, memory problems, or inability to concentrate
- Visual changes or other sensory problems
- Difficulty with speech or in expressing yourself
- Changes in behavior or personality
- Clumsiness or difficulty walking
- Nausea or vomiting (especially in middle-aged or older people)
- Sudden onset of fever, especially after chemotherapy
Exams and Tests
Findings of your medical interview and physical examination will probably suggest to your health professional, whether your primary care provider or an emergency department physician, that you have a problem with the brain or brain stem.
- In most cases, you will have a CT scan of the brain.
- This test is like an x-ray but shows more detail in 3 dimensions.
- Usually, a harmless dye is injected into your bloodstream to highlight abnormalities on the scan.
Fortunately, it has been a common observation that people have brain cancer often have other medical complications, which result in regular medical treatments and laboratory tests.
- These include analysis of blood, electrolytes, liver function tests, and a blood coagulation profile.
- If you have mental status change as the main symptom, blood or urine tests may be done to detect drug use.
More and more, the MRI scan is being used instead of CT scan for suspected brain tumors.
- This is because MRI has a higher sensitivity for detecting the presence of, or changes within, a tumor.
- Currently, however, most institutions still use the CT scan as the first diagnostic test.
Skull x-rays are not widely used any longer to diagnose brain cancer.
If your scans indicate the presence of a brain tumor, you will be referred to a specialist in cancer (oncologist). If one is available in your area, you should be referred to a specialist in brain tumors (neuro-oncologist).
The next step in diagnosis is confirmation that you have a cancer. A small sample of the mass (a biopsy) is taken to identify the type of tumor.
- The most widely used technique for obtaining a biopsy is surgery. The skull is opened, usually with the intention of removing the whole tumor if possible. A biopsy is then taken from the tumor.
- If the surgeon is unable to remove the entire tumor, a small piece of the tumor is removed.
- In some cases it is possible to collect a biopsy without opening the skull. The exact location of the tumor in the brain is determined stereotactically, that is, by using CT of MRI scan while the head is held still in a frame. A small hole is then made in the skull and a needle guided through the hole to the tumor. The needle collects the biopsy and is removed. This technique is called stereotaxis, or stereotactic biopsy.
- The biopsy is examined under a microscope by a pathologist (a physician who specializes in diagnosing diseases by looking at cells and tissues).
Home Care Suggestions
It is the primary duty of one’s health care professional to discuss home care suggestions and provide him/her latest research regarding the issue, because it better to know every bit of information of your opponent. Following are the main points, which one should consider after suffered by Brain Tumors:
- Home care usually includes supportive measures according to your symptoms.
- For example, if you have trouble walking, you probably should have a walker available at home when you need to walk.
- If you have mental status changes, a care plan should be directed to your individual needs.
If your prognosis is poor, it is appropriate to discuss options of hospice care, advance directives to doctors, and provisions for a living will.
- Home hospice care is a way of providing pain and symptom relief, as well as emotional and spiritual support for the patient and the family, at home rather than in the hospital. It involves a multidisciplinary approach that may include a physician or other care provider, nurses, a pharmacist, aides, a social worker, a spiritual caregiver, and counselors.
- Advance directive and living will are legal documents that spell out specifically which treatments are to be given and which are to be withheld. For example, a person with advanced brain cancer may not want to be put on a ventilator (breathing machine) if he or she stops breathing. You have the right to make these decisions for yourself as long as you are mentally competent.
Monday, December 3, 2007
Search Engine Optimization - An Introduction
After the development of a website all you need is to generate as much traffic as possible on it. SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is the way to make your website popular and in the other words it can be said that SEO is the set of techniques and procedures, which make your website generate traffic. I still remember that one of my companions once told me that there are no hard and fast rules in SEO, but we have to try different procedures and functions to make the website popular. According to a research more than 80% of the traffic comes from different search engines. If your website is a well developed project but still not producing desired result then you need to optimize it thoroughly.
I have mentioned some techniques below, which I believe are the basic but constructive when you talk about Search Engine Optimization:
Website Address
Your website address or domain should be easy to spell and pronounce because you don’t need to depend on search engine if your visitor can easily memorize it. Another reason for which your domain name should be easy is that it will also be used as your keyword because the domain name is always unique and do not have much competition.
Before getting into the details of how to choose keywords, I would first explain what is a keyword? Keyword is the word or phrase, which a visitor writes in the search box of a search engine. One has to be very careful in choosing keywords, because these are the words, which take a visitor to your website. First of all make list of words which your website contains and highlight those, which are being searched. You can also use different keywords tools like Google Adwords, Word Track, Keyword Discovery, etc. Using wrong spelling of keywords can also be very useful another key factor, which is again very effective is to use keyword synonyms. You must also use the keywords in the meta tag of your webpage but be care while doing this because if you saturate your meta tag with keywords then your website may be penalized by some search engines.
Keyword Density
Keywords density is another important technique in SEO, it represents how many times are your keywords appearing in the content. You can concern competitor website to have an idea of it. Heavy density of keywords can reflect that you are trying to SPAM (Self Propelled Advertising Material). Once your website has developed its reputation like this it is very difficult to get away from it. Your keywords should be toward the top of your page and your keyword phrase be in either every paragraph or every second paragraph depending on your paragraph length.
Negative Techniques
There are also some negative or bad techniques of SEO, which can get you blacklisted in all search engines. Some techniques that are considered spam are cloaking, invisible text, tiny text, identical pages, doorway pages, refresh tags, link farms, filling comment tags with keyword phrases only, keyword phrases in the author tag, keyword density to high, mirror pages and mirror sites.